ESA title
May 18, 2021

AIREO flyer published

Posted in AIREO related communications AIREO related communications

Coming up to the release of the first version of the AIREO resources, we have prepared an updated flyer to distribute to the AIREO network. It summarises the AIREO resources and the innovations that AIREO proposes to FAIRify TDS relevant to EO. Generating the AIREO resources requires a balance between providing full, clear and useful information to the data users while being mindful of the additional burden providing this can be to the data creators.

One of the AIREO recommendations is to provide information on data provenance including data sources, processing history and feature engineering recipes. This enhances the re-usability of the data and enables reproducibility if required. Basing the AIREO metadata on the STAC specification and OGC standards facilitates cloud-native processing, building on existing community efforts and resources. A set of quality indicators which can be automatically checked is also recommended, along with a set of metadata related to how FAIR the dataset is. Automating some of the process of quality assurance and data assessment helps to reduce the workload of the data provider.



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